Critical Errors

The following errors are considered as CRITICAL and will cause a CMOR code to stop.

  1. Calling a CMOR function before running cmor_setup
  2. NetCDF version is neither 3.6.3 or 4.1 or greater
  3. Udunits could not parse units
  4. Incompatible units
  5. Udunits could not create a converter
  6. Logfile could not be open for writing
  7. Output directory does not exist
  8. Output directory is not a directory
  9. User does not have read/write privileges on the output directory
  10. Wrong value for error_mode
  11. wrong value for netCDF mode
  12. error reading udunits system
  13. NetCDF could not set variable attribute
  14. Dataset does not have one of the required attributes (required attributes can be defined in the MIP table)
  15. Required global attribute is missing
  16. If CMIP5 project: source attributes does not start with model_id attribute.
  17. Forcing dataset attribute is not valid
  18. Leap_year defined with invalid leap_month
  19. Invalid leap month (<1 or >12)
  20. Leap month defined but no leap year
  21. Negative realization number
  22. Zfactor variable not defined when needed
  23. Zfactor defined w/o values and NOT time dependent.
  24. Variable has axis defined with formula terms depending on axis that are not part of the variable
  25. NetCDF error when creating zfactor variable
  26. NetCDF Error defining compression parameters
  27. Calling cmor_write with an invalid variable id
  28. Could not create path structure
  29. “variable id” contains a “_” or a ‘-‘ this means bad MIP table.
  30. “file_suffix” contains a “_”
  31. Could not rename the file you’re trying to append to.
  32. Trying to write an “Associated variable” before the variable itself
  33. Output file exists and you’re not in append/replace mode
  34. NetCDF Error opening file for appending
  35. NetCDF could not find time dimension in a file onto which you want to append
  36. NetCDF could not figure out the length time dimension in a file onto which you want to append
  37. NetCDF could not find your variable while appending to a file
  38. NetCDF could not find time dimension in the variable onto which you’re trying to append
  39. NetCDF could not find time bounds in the variable onto which you’re trying to append
  40. NetCDF mode got corrupted.
  41. NetCDF error creating file
  42. NetCDF error putting file in definition mode
  43. NetCDF error writing file global attribute
  44. NetCDF error creating dimension in file
  45. NetCDF error creating variable
  46. NetCDF error writing variable attribute
  47. NetCDF error setting chunking parameters
  48. NetCDF error leaving definition mode
  49. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “a” coefficient
  50. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “b” coefficient
  51. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “a_bnds” coefficient
  52. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “b_bnds” coefficient
  53. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “p0” coefficient
  54. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “ap” coefficient
  55. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “ap_bnds” coefficient
  56. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “sigma” coefficient
  57. Hybrid coordinate, could not find “sigma_bnds” coefficient
  58. NetCDF writing error
  59. NetCDF error closing file
  60. Could not rename temporary file to its final name.
  61. Cdms could not convert time values for calendar.
  62. Variable does not have all required attributes (cmor_variable)
  63. Reference variable is defined with “positive”, user did not pass it to cmor_variable
  64. Could not allocate memory for zfactor elements
  65. Udunits error freeing units
  66. Udunits error freeing converter
  67. Could not allocate memory for zfactor_bounds
  68. Calling cmor_variable before reading in a MIP table
  69. Too many variable defined (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  70. Could not find variable in MIP table
  71. Wrong parameter “positive” passed
  72. No “positive” parameter passed to cmor_variable and it is required for this variable
  73. Variable defined with too many (not enough) dimensions
  74. Variable defined with axis that should not be on this variable
  75. Variable defined within existing axis (wrong axis_id)
  76. Defining variable with axes defined in a MIP table that is not the current one.
  77. Defining a variable with too many axes (see annex on CMOR limits)
  78. Defining variable with axes ids that are not valid.
  79. Defining variable with grid id that is not valid.
  80. Defining a variable with dimensions that are not part of the MIP table (except for var named “latitude” and “longitude”, since they could have grid axes defined in another MIP table)
  81. Trying to retrieve length of time for a variable defined w/o time length
  82. Trying to retrieve variable shape into an array of wrong rank (Fortran only really)
  83. Calling cmor_write with time values for a timeless variable
  84. Cannot allocate memory for temporary array to write
  85. Invalid absolute mean for data written (lower or greater by one order of magintudethan what the MIP table allows)
  86. Calling cmor_write with time values when they have already been defined with cmor_axis when creating time axis
  87. Cannot allocate memory to store time values
  88. Cannot allocate memory to store time bounds values
  89. Time values are not monotonic
  90. Calling cmor_write w/o time values when no values were defined via cmor_axis when creating time axis
  91. Time values already written in file
  92. Time axis units do not contain “since” word (cmor_axis)
  93. Invalid data type for time values (ok are ‘f’,’l’,’i’,’d’)
  94. Time values are not within time bounds
  95. Non monotonic time bounds
  96. Longitude axis spread over 360 degrees.
  97. Overlapping bound values (except for climatological data)
  98. bounds and axis values are not stored in the same order
  99. requested value for axis not present
  100. approximate time axis interval much greater (>20%) than the one defined in your MIP table
  101. calling cmor_axis before loading a MIP table
  102. too many axes defined (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  103. could not find reference axis name in current MIP table
  104. output axis needs to be standard_hybrid_sigma and input axis is not one of : “standard_hybrid_sigma”, “alternate_hybrid_sigma”, “standard_sigma”
  105. MIP table requires to convert axis to unknown type
  106. requested “region” not present on axis
  107. axis (with bounds) values are in invalid type (valid are: ‘f’,’d’,’l’,’i’)
  108. requested values already checked but stored internally, could be bad user cleanup
  109. MIP table defined for version of CMOR greater than the library you’re using
  110. too many experiments defined in MIP table (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  111. cmor_set_table used with invalid table_id
  112. MIP table has too many axes defined in it (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  113. MIP table has too many variables defined in it (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  114. MIP table has too many mappings defined in it (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  115. MIP table defines the same mapping twice
  116. grid mapping has too many parameters (see appendix on CMOR limits)
  117. grid has different number of axes than what grid_mapping prescribes.
  118. Could not find all the axes required by grid_mapping
  119. Call to cmor_grid with axis that are not created yet via cmor_axis
  120. Too many grids defined (see appendix on cmor_limits)
  121. Call to cmor_grid w/o latitude array
  122. Call to cmor_grid w/o longitude array
Tags: appendix