CMOR 3.8.0 released!!!

CMOR 3.8.0 is the first release built to work natively with the mip-cmor-tables, CMIP6Plus_CVs, input4MIPs_CVs and obs4MIPs_CVs. The software has been generalized to allow more broad usage following the new CVs templates noted above. Changes CMOR will throw an error if...

CMOR 3.7.3 released!!!

Changes CMOR now supports Python 3.12. Bugfixes Fixed error caused when cmor_write writes arrays with more than 231-1 elements. Fixed segmentation fault casued when the value for further_info_url in the user input is an empty string or only whitespace. Fixed implicit declaration compilation...

CMOR 3.7.2 released!!!

Changes testsrunner is no longer being used for running CMIP6 CV tests, which are now a part of make test. CDMS2 is no longer supported. Bugfixes Removed deprecated NumPy types numpy.float and, which caused errors with NumPy >=1.24....

CMOR 3.7.1 released!!!

Changes End of support for Python 3.7. CMOR now supports Python 3.11. The Python 3.11 build of CMOR will not support CDMS2. Bugfixes Fixed issue with Python 3.10 build of PrePARE where it was skipping files due to an issue with the check_filename function. CMOR...

CMOR 3.7.0 released!!!

Features CMOR automatically sets attributes in a dataset using the registered data listed in a project CV’s source_id entry (e.g. Tables/CMIP6_CVs.json or Tables/input4MIPs.json), reducing the input requirements from a user. This feature can be overridden by setting the attributes in the user input file (e.g....

CMOR 3.6.1 released!!!

Changes End of support for Python 2.7. CMOR now supports Python 3.9. Bugfixes Fixed handling of Unicode string values in cmor.axis for the Python API. Closed Issues Discontinue Python 2.7 support in the next version of CMOR Python 3.9 support

CMOR 3.6.0 released!!!

Features Added the option --hide-progress to PrePARE to remove the number of files completed while processing files. Added the option --no-text-color to PrePARE to remove the color code from the terminal output. Added the option --version to PrePARE to output the version of...

CMOR 3.5.0 released!!!

Changes CMOR now supports Python 3.6 and 3.7. PrePARE will stop if CMIP6_coordinate.json, CMIP6_formula_terms.json, and CMIP6_CV.json are missing from the table directory. Changed missing value replacement history message to include “corresponding data”. The UUID library ossuuid has been replaced with libuuid CMOR will now use the json-c library installed...

CMOR 3.4.0 released!!!

Changes Fixed missing out_names_tests.json in PrePARE More robust comparison of missing_value and _FillValue between NetCDF files and CMIP6 tables in PrePARE. Variable name for time bounds is extracted from the NetCDF file in PrePARE. Time values and their bounds must be passed through cmor_write when CMOR is in append...

CMOR 3.3.2 released!!!

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