CMIP6 Controlled vocabulary minimum requirements.

  • CMOR 3 required a new Controlled Vocabulary file which must contains 4 mandatory keys for CMIP6.
    • institutions_ids: A dictionary of of registered institution IDs with a description.
    • source_ids: A dictionary of registered source IDS (model) with a specific description.
    • experiment_ids: A dictionary of experiment_ids (CMIP6) pointing to a dictionary of specific metadata.
    • grid_labels: A dictionary of grid labels(gr, gn, …) pointing to a native_resolution for the selected grid.
Click to expand example JSON file
"CV": {
    "institution_ids": { "BNU":"GCESS, BNU, Beijing, China" },
    "source_ids": { "CESM1-CAM5": "CESM1 (CAM5): model version ca. 2009" },
    "experiment_ids": { "piControl": { } },
    "grid_labels": { "gr":     { "native_resolution":"5 km" } }

To register, activities, sources or institutions

CMIP6 required global attributes

Click to expand example JSON section
  • CMOR validates required attributes using list of values or regular expression(REGEX)
Click to expand example JSON section
    "required_parent_attributes": [

    "variant_label": [ "^r[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}i[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}p[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}f[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}$" ],

    "sub_experiment_id": [ "^s[[:digit:]]\\{4,4\\}$", "none" ],

    "product": [ "output" ] ,

    "mip_era": [ "CMIP6" ],

    "further_info_url": [ "[[:alpha:]]\\{1,\\}" ],

Registered activities

Click to expand example JSON section

Registered sources

Click to expand example JSON section

    "source_ids": {
        "ACCESS1-0": "ACCESS1.0: adaptation of unified model with interactive chemistry (ca. 2012)" ,

Registered institutions

Click to expand example JSON section
    "institution_ids": {
            "NSF-DOE-NCAR":"NSF/DOE NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Boulder, CO, USA"

valid grids

Click to expand example JSON section
    "grid_labels": {

        "gs1x1":     { "native_resolution":"1x1" },
        "gs1x1 gn":  { "native_resolution":"1x1" },
        "gs1x1 gr":  { "native_resolution":"1x1" },
        "gn": { "native_resolution":[  "5 km",   "10 km",   "25 km",   "50 km",   "100 km", "250 km", 
                "500 km", "1000 km", "2500 km", "5000 km", "10000 km" ] },
        "gr":  { "native_resolution":[  "5 km",   "10 km",   "25 km",   "50 km",   "100 km", "250 km", 
                "500 km", "1000 km", "2500 km", "5000 km", "10000 km" ] }


Registered experiments

Click to expand example JSON section

experiment_ids": { 

                "description":"DECK: control",
                "experiment":"pre-industrial control",