#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cmor.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void read_coords(alats, alons, plevs, bnds_lat, bnds_lon, lon, lat, lev)
double *alats, *alons;
int *plevs;
double *bnds_lat, *bnds_lon;
int lon, lat, lev;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < lon; i++) {
alons[i] = i * 360. / lon;
bnds_lon[2 * i] = (i - 0.5) * 360. / lon;
bnds_lon[2 * i + 1] = (i + 0.5) * 360. / lon;
for (i = 0; i < lat; i++) {
alats[i] = (lat - i) * 10;
bnds_lat[2 * i] = (lat - i) * 10 + 5.;
bnds_lat[2 * i + 1] = (lat - i) * 10 - 5.;
plevs[0] = 1000;
plevs[1] = 925;
plevs[2] = 850;
plevs[3] = 700;
plevs[4] = 600;
plevs[5] = 500;
plevs[6] = 400;
plevs[7] = 300;
plevs[8] = 250;
plevs[9] = 200;
plevs[10] = 150;
plevs[11] = 100;
plevs[12] = 70;
plevs[13] = 50;
plevs[14] = 30;
plevs[15] = 20;
plevs[16] = 10;
plevs[17] = 5;
plevs[18] = 1;
void read_time(it, time, time_bnds)
int it;
double time[];
double time_bnds[];
time[0] = (it - 0.5) * 30.;
time_bnds[0] = (it - 1) * 30.;
time_bnds[1] = it * 30.;
time[0] = it;
time_bnds[0] = it;
time_bnds[1] = it + 1;
#include "reader_2D_3D.h"
int main()
/* Purpose: To serve as a generic example of an application that */
/* uses the "Climate Model Output Rewriter" (CMOR) */
/* CMOR writes CF-compliant netCDF files. */
/* Its use is strongly encouraged by the IPCC and is intended for use */
/* by those participating in many community-coordinated standard */
/* climate model experiments (e.g., AMIP, CMIP, CFMIP, PMIP, APE, */
/* etc.) */
/* Background information for this sample code: */
/* Atmospheric standard output requested by IPCC are listed in */
/* tables available on the web. Monthly mean output is found in */
/* tables A1a and A1c. This sample code processes only two 3-d */
/* variables listed in table A1c ("monthly mean atmosphere 3-D data" */
/* and only four 2-d variables listed in table A1a ("monthly mean */
/* atmosphere + land surface 2-D (latitude, longitude) data"). The */
/* extension to many more fields is trivial. */
/* For this example, the user must fill in the sections of code that */
/* extract the 3-d and 2-d fields from his monthly mean "history" */
/* files (which usually contain many variables but only a single time */
/* slice). The CMOR code will write each field in a separate file, but */
/* many monthly mean time-samples will be stored together. These */
/* constraints partially determine the structure of the code. */
/* Record of revisions: */
/* Date Programmer(s) Description of change */
/* ==== ========== ===================== */
/* 10/22/03 Rusty Koder Original code */
/* 1/28/04 Les R. Koder Revised to be consistent */
/* with evolving code design */
/* --------------------------------- */
/* dimension parameters: */
/* --------------------------------- */
#define ntimes 2 /* number of time samples to process */
#define lon 4 /* number of longitude grid cells */
#define lat 3 /* number of latitude grid cells */
#define lev 19 /* number of standard pressure levels */
#define n2d 4 /* number of IPCC Table A1a fields to be output. */
#define n3d 3 /* number of IPCC Table A1c fields to be output. */
/* Tables associating the user's variables with IPCC standard output */
/* variables. The user may choose to make this association in a */
/* different way (e.g., by defining values of pointers that allow him */
/* to directly retrieve data from a data record containing many */
/* different variables), but in some way the user will need to map his */
/* model output onto the Tables specifying the MIP standard output. */
/* ---------------------------------- */
/* My variable names for IPCC Table A1c fields */
char varin3d[n3d][6] = { "CLOUD", "U", "T" };
/* Units appropriate to my data */
char units3d[n3d][6] = { "%", "m s-1", "K" };
/* Corresponding IPCC Table A1c entry (variable name) */
char entry3d[n3d][3] = { "cl", "ua", "ta" };
/* My variable names for IPCC Table A1a fields */
char varin2d[n2d][9] = { "LATENT", "TSURF", "SOIL_WET", "PSURF" };
/* Units appropriate to my data */
char units2d[n2d][7] = { "W m-2", "K", "kg m-2", "Pa" };
char positive2d[n2d][4] = { "down", " ", " ", " " };
/* Corresponding IPCC Table A1a entry (variable name) */
char entry2d[n2d][6] = { "hfls", "tas", "mrsos", "ps" };
/* uninitialized variables used in communicating with CMOR: */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
int error_flag;
int znondim_id, zfactor_id;
int var2d_ids[n2d];
int var3d_ids[n3d];
double data2d[lat * lon];
double data3d[lev * lat * lon];
double alats[lat];
double alons[lon];
int ilats[lat];
int ilons[lon];
double plevs[lev];
int iplevs[lev];
long lplevs[lev];
float fplevs[lev];
double Time[2];
double bnds_time[4];
double bnds_lat[lat * 2];
double bnds_lon[lon * 2];
double zlevs[lev];
double zlev_bnds[lev + 1];
double a_coeff[lev] = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.22, 0.1 };
double b_coeff[lev] = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 };
float p0 = 1.e5;
double a_coeff_bnds[lev + 1] = { 0., .15, .25, .25, .16, 0. };
double b_coeff_bnds[lev + 1] = { 0., .05, .15, .35, .65, 1. };
int ilon, ilat, ipres, ilev, itim;
double dtmp, dtmp2;
/* Other variables: */
/* --------------------- */
int it, m, i, ierr, j;
int myaxes[10];
int myaxes2[10];
int myvars[10];
char units[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char interval[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char anames[25][CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char type;
char regions[5][23] =
{ "atlantic_arctic_ocean", "indian_pacific_ocean", "pacific_ocean",
"global_ocean", "sf_bay"
double timestest[5];
/* Externals funcs */
int tables[5];
char msg[555];
double bt = 0.;
/* ================================ */
/* Execution begins here: */
/* ================================ */
/* Read coordinate information from model into arrays that will be passed */
/* to CMOR. */
/* Read latitude, longitude, and pressure coordinate values into */
/* alats, alons, and plevs, respectively. Also generate latitude and */
/* longitude bounds, and store in bnds_lat and bnds_lon, respectively. */
/* Note that all variable names in this code can be freely chosen by */
/* the user. */
/* The user must write the subroutine that fills the coordinate arrays */
/* and their bounds with actual data. The following line is simply a */
/* a place-holder for the user's code, which should replace it. */
/* *** possible user-written call *** */
i = 1;
it = 0;
printf("ok mode is:%i\n", m);
ierr = cmor_setup(NULL, &j, NULL, &m, NULL, &i); //," ipcc_test.LOG ");
read_coords(&alats[0], &alons[0], &iplevs[0], &bnds_lat[0], &bnds_lon[0],
lon, lat, lev);
int tmpmo[12];
printf("Test code: ok init cmor\n");
strcpy(c1, "GICCM1(2002)\0");
strcpy(c2, "Nat\0");
printf("yep: %s, %s\n", c1, c2);
ierr = cmor_dataset_json("Test/CMOR_input_example.json");
printf("Test code: ok load cmor table(s)\n");
ierr = cmor_load_table("Tables/CMIP6_Omon.json", &tables[0]);
ierr = cmor_load_table("Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json", &tables[1]);
strcpy(id, "time");
strcpy(units, "months since 1980");
strcpy(interval, "1 month");
read_time(0, &Time[0], &bnds_time[0]);
read_time(1, &Time[1], &bnds_time[2]);
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[0], id, units, ntimes, &Time[0], 'd', &bnds_time[0], 2,
strcpy(id, "latitude");
strcpy(units, "degrees_north");
strcpy(interval, "");
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[1], id, units, lat, &alats, 'd', &bnds_lat, 2,
strcpy(id, "longitude");
strcpy(units, "degrees_east");
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[2], id, units, lon, &alons, 'd', &bnds_lon, 2,
strcpy(id, "plev19");
strcpy(units, "hPa");
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[3], id, units, lev, &iplevs, 'i', NULL, 0, interval);
zlevs[0] = 0.1;
zlevs[1] = 0.3;
zlevs[2] = 0.5;
zlevs[3] = 0.72;
zlevs[4] = 0.9;
zlev_bnds[0] = 0.;
zlev_bnds[1] = .2;
zlev_bnds[2] = .42;
zlev_bnds[3] = .62;
zlev_bnds[4] = .8;
zlev_bnds[5] = 1.;
/* p0 = 1.e5; */
/* a_coeff = { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.22, 0.1 }; */
/* b_coeff = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 }; */
/* a_coeff_bnds={0.,.15, .25, .25, .16, 0.}; */
/* b_coeff_bnds={0.,.05, .15, .35, .65, 1.}; */
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[4], "standard_hybrid_sigma", "1", 5, &zlevs, 'd',
&zlev_bnds, 1, interval);
/* ok here we declare a "regions" axis */
printf("Test code: defining axis region \n");
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[5], "basin", "", 4, ®ions[0], 'c', NULL, 23,
printf("Test code: Redefining time/lat from O table\n");
strcpy(id, "time");
strcpy(units, "months since 1980");
strcpy(interval, "1 month");
read_time(0, &Time[0], &bnds_time[0]);
read_time(1, &Time[1], &bnds_time[2]);
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[7], id, units, ntimes, &Time[0], 'd', &bnds_time[0], 2,
strcpy(id, "latitude");
strcpy(units, "degrees_north");
strcpy(interval, "");
ierr =
cmor_axis(&myaxes[8], id, units, lat, &alats, 'd', &bnds_lat, 2,
dtmp = -999;
dtmp2 = 1.e-4;
myaxes2[0] = myaxes[0];
myaxes2[1] = myaxes[3];
myaxes2[2] = myaxes[1];
myaxes2[3] = myaxes[2];
printf("Test code: defining variables from table 1, %s\n", positive2d[0]);
ierr =
cmor_variable(&myvars[0], entry2d[0], units2d[0], 3, myaxes, 'd', &dtmp,
&dtmp2, positive2d[0], varin2d[0], "no history",
"no future");
ierr =
cmor_variable(&myvars[1], entry3d[2], units3d[2], 4, myaxes2, 'd', NULL,
&dtmp2, NULL, varin3d[2], "no history", "no future");
printf("Test code: definig tas\n");
ierr =
cmor_variable(&myvars[5], "tas", "K", 3, myaxes, 'd', NULL, &dtmp2, NULL,
"TS", "no history", "no future");
myaxes2[1] = myaxes[4];
ierr =
cmor_variable(&myvars[2], entry3d[0], units3d[0], 4, myaxes2, 'd', NULL,
&dtmp2, NULL, varin3d[0], "no history", "no future");
ierr =
cmor_zfactor(&myvars[3], myaxes2[1], "p0", "Pa", 0, NULL, 'f', &p0, NULL);
ierr =
cmor_zfactor(&myvars[3], myaxes2[1], "b", "", 1, &myaxes2[1], 'd',
&b_coeff, &b_coeff_bnds);
ierr =
cmor_zfactor(&myvars[3], myaxes2[1], "a", "", 1, &myaxes2[1], 'd',
&a_coeff, &a_coeff_bnds);
/* printf("defining ap\n"); */
/* for(i=0;i<5;i++) {a_coeff[i]*=1.e3;printf("sending acoef: %i, %lf\n",i,a_coeff[i]);} */
/* for(i=0;i<6;i++) {a_coeff_bnds[i]*=1.e5;printf("sending acoef: %i, %lf\n",i,a_coeff_bnds[i]);} */
/* ierr = cmor_zfactor(&myvars[3],myaxes2[1],"ap","hPa",1,&myaxes2[1],'d',&a_coeff,&a_coeff_bnds); */
ierr =
cmor_zfactor(&myvars[3], myaxes2[1], "ps", "hPa", 3, &myaxes[0], 'd',
/* ok here we decalre a variable for region axis testing */
myaxes2[0] = myaxes[7]; /* time */
myaxes2[1] = myaxes[5]; /* region */
myaxes2[2] = myaxes[8]; /* latitudes */
printf("Test code: ok we define hfogo positive: %s\n", positive2d[0]);
ierr =
cmor_variable(&myvars[4], "htovgyre", "W", 3, myaxes2, 'd', NULL, &dtmp2,
NULL, varin2d[0], "no history", "no future");
for (i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) {
printf("Test code: writing time: %i of %i\n", i + 1, ntimes);
read_2d_input_files(i, varin2d[0], &data2d, lat, lon);
sprintf(id, "%i", i);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[0], &data2d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ierr)
return (1);
read_3d_input_files(i, varin3d[2], &data3d, lev, lat, lon);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[1], &data3d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ierr)
return (1);
printf("writing tas\n");
read_2d_input_files(i, varin2d[1], &data2d, lat, lon);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[5], &data2d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ierr)
return (1);
printf("3d zfactor\n");
read_3d_input_files(i, varin3d[0], &data3d, 5, lat, lon);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[2], &data3d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ierr)
return (1);
printf("writing ps\n");
read_2d_input_files(i, varin2d[3], &data2d, lat, lon);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[3], &data2d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, &myvars[2]);
if (ierr)
return (1);
/* rereading hfls to fake hfogo */
printf("2d region\n");
read_2d_input_files(i, "htov", &data2d, lat, lon);
ierr = cmor_write(myvars[4], &data2d, 'd', NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ierr)
return (1);
ierr = cmor_close_variable(myvars[0], NULL, NULL);
ierr = cmor_close();
return (0);